
BE feminine // my postpartum journey

Hi friends.

I wanted to take a second to introduce myself more personally & start a conversation about something really important & super personal to me (not for long).

Here’s some backstory:


I’m a mom of 2 beautiful, strong-willed children ages 2 ½ and 7. Almost immediately following the birth of my 1st child I struggled with mood & anxiety, but I attributed a lot of my experience to the fact that I was a first time mom & that my dad was terminally ill (he died a day after my son’s ½ birthday). Even though having a child was the hardest thing we’d ever done, my husband & I loved being parents. Even so, we told everyone we were “one and done” with kids (I go back to my 1st point, parenting was HARD). Anyways, we decided about 2 years later to start trying for baby #2. I share this because I think its important to stress how wanted our daughter was. It took some time (about 2 years) but we finally became pregnant our daughter and things felt perfect! I was finishing up my Nurse Practitioner program at U of T, I was working an awesome job at a GTA hospital as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in breast cancer, & things just felt good. Hectic… but good. We were managing despite our hectic schedules, our 5 year old son and my daily hour plus commute to work.

So, our beautiful, perfect girl arrived late September 2016 & I waited for the chips to fall. I was certain because of my experience with Brody that I’d experience some sort of postpartum mood disorder…

The weeks passed & I felt GREAT! I was shocked. My body felt good, and although I was exhausted, I didn’t feel unusually up or down mood-wise. I remember thinking to myself “thank God it didn’t happen this time!”

Then about 6 weeks postpartum it totally happened… I was blindsided. My life was changed forever & without trying to sound dramatic, I completely lost. Despite what I revealed outwardly, I was in a deep, dark hole and wouldn’t be able to start coming out of it until very recently.

So… I’ll stop there for now. I plan to share more in future posts but for now I wanted to share at least a high level introduction to my experience. I think it is so important to talk about as we far too often sugar coat this whole parenting/motherhood thing and set each other up for failure.  

What we’re doing today

In addition to my personal recovery from this debilitating illness, Sierra & I have been reflecting a lot about our many passions while building this company & this is something that I just have to share.

The impacts of maternal mental health are significant and underappreciated. The sad reality is that SO MANY of us suffer and struggle silently and/or without necessary supports. Here are some facts about the issue:

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Why we need to raise awareness & support Maternal Mental Health Awareness:

  • Rates across North Simcoe Muskoka are higher than the provincial average (23.8% in North Simcoe Muskoka vs. 16.9% across Ontario). 

  • No one is immune! Women of every culture, age, income level and race can develop perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. 

  • Symptoms can appear any time during pregnancy and the first 12 months after childbirth. There are effective and well-researched treatment options available to help women recover.

  • Without early screening and treatment, 50- 70% of women with perinatal mood disorders will continue to experience symptoms through the postpartum period & unfortunately up to 40% will still have symptoms 4-5 years post-delivery. 

  • Mental illness in the perinatal period may negatively influence parenting practices such as bonding and attachment. As a result, children may experience cognitive, emotional and behavioural impairments increasing vulnerability at school and into adulthood.

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The 1st week of May is World Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week & we at BE beauty & wellness are excited to be supporting the local efforts across our region.

During the week of April 29 - May 3 we will be raising awareness for World Maternal Mental Health Week all across North Simcoe Muskoka by joining walks all across our region. Moms, babies, family & friends are all invited to join us for a stroller walk to discuss, promote & support World Maternal Mental Health Week. 

In Barrie the walk will be held on Monday, April 29th & a Facebook event has been created for more information.

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What else you can do

We are reaching out to see if community agencies/businesses are interested in supporting the event by either:

  1. Walking alongside all of us to support the cause. 

  2. Setting up a booth to provide information about your agency/business; or,

  3. Donating items for prizes/giveaways (this can include services/gift certificates as well).

We must do more as a society & especially as women to educate and empower each other as well as advocate for more awareness and better support worldwide for all mothers/parents. We really hope to see many of you there… this event is gearing up to be even bigger than last year’s super successful walk!

If you are local & are planning on going or would like to donate to our prize raffles, please send us a message or email us!

Hope to see you there!

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