BEing feminine // International Women's Day


Today is International Women’s Day & we’re both sitting here warm tea in hand, browsing through all the amazing & thought provoking messaging on our social channels, reflecting on our own values and responsibilities as females, business partners, and human beings. While it’s great to have a day dedicated to women, and acknowledgement of our progress, we can’t help to envision a future where this day doesn’t even have to be recognized because all humans are regarded as equal & the concept of gender is much more fluid than traditionally perceived.  

This day, to us, should be a celebration of feminine quality vs. female biology.

Until that becomes a reality, we want to make a couple of promises to you, dear female reader (and males who are on the same wavelength). We promise to always:

  1. Stay true to our authentic inner female intuitiveness when presenting information & products to you.

  2. Support & empower each other in everything we do. This is so important in today’s society where competitiveness & ruthlessness (between women especially) is celebrated.

  3. Be aware of the strength of our voices both as individuals & as a collective community of the feminine (men and women alike).

  4. Regard our fellow human as a whole with many qualities, values & life experiences that bring value to our shared worldview (even if different from our own).

  5. Stand up to any negative behaviours (i.e. bullying, undermining & degradation of others) as we each are on our own unique path towards BEcoming.

Over the next little while you might start to notice a trend in our IG stories that will highlight the core values of BE beauty & wellness.

BE spiritual

BE nourished

Be beautiful

BE feminine

BE social


Today, on International Women’s Day, we have highlighted BE feminine as our focus is on our own definition of the term “feminine.”

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We wholeheartedly believe in embracing these feminine traits (whether you are male or female) &  using them as a strength vs. regarding them as a weakness… because otherwise, singling them out as “girly” perpetuates the cycle & degrades these truly powerful qualities.

We hope everyone reading has spent the day feeling uplifted, empowered and driven towards your truest self.

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